How much do you find FOSS important and why? What length do you go to use it over CSS?
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Where the F/OSS stuff is "good enough" I use it. Where it isn't good enough, I don't.
This is pretty much how I deal with everything. Ideology in tools is a weird thing to me. Computers are a tool I use to perform the tasks I want to perform. I use what works.
Thus it is that I use Windows 10 (non-F/OSS), LibreOffice at home (F/OSS), a mix of LibreOffice and WPS Office (non-F/OSS) at work, Zen (F/OSS) as my browser except for those extremely rare circumstances where a web site doesn't work in Zen, Taobao (non-F/OSS) and AliPay (non-F/OSS) for shopping, etc. etc. etc. These are all "good enough" for my needs while keeping my costs down.
Now the recent US trade idiocy is changing some of that calculus and from this point onward I won't buy commercial software from an American company any longer; I'd rather do without than buy American, so perhaps some ideology gets involved, but that's a very recent "innovation" for me.
Im like this and I totally drank the foss cool aid after hearing stallman talk. But yeah at the end of the day I do things based on usability. Heck I only recently started using linux and I stuck to windows partially do to keeping myself and my wife on the same thing but windows 11 was just to much. I sorta wish I did it earlier to show her how functional it is sooner.