Which board games have you been playing this week? (10 Feb)
Let's Play a Game! A place to discuss all things board game, regardless of genre. Everything from Scrabble and Catan to Ark Nova, 1830 and beyond is fair game! That means we have blackjack. Bring your own hookers, sorry.
Other comms that might be of interest:
Gonna bring Dixit and Blokus to a kid's party this saturday. Next week my purchase of Azul Summer Pavillion should arrive, making it a trio of games to "bring to places and get people hooked"
It's always fun to make people realize just how much variety boardgames have. Now I just need to find or create a gaming group for friday game nights, since I've got enough stuff to keep a group busy for a few months
How old are the kids? :o
The kids are very small, ~3yo, so they won't play, but the parents are 27+ ๐
Ahh yeah 3 is still a bit young to start indoctrination into the holy church of analog gaming outside of candy land. I've had great success hooking non-gamers in with pretty innocuous stuff like Just One and That's so Clover! so if you've got those bring them along too! Harder to refuse a 10 minute experience with a 1 minute explainer :o
I didn't know That's so Clover, looks super interesting, will definitely go into my wishlist!
My dad has Happy Salmon, which would be a fun game to bring as well, but he's living some 900km away nowadays