[Sarah Andersen] Capitalism
Comic Strips is a community for those who love comic stories.
The rules are simple:
Web of links
$2 for reading the comment
+ $20 for responding to the comment
=$22 total
plus a new charge of copying ($3) and then pasting ($4 for every instance of pasting)
.... and another $1.95 because you just thought of it again didn't you?
Thinking like a true Ferengi.
$3 for referring to Ferenginar
$2 for licensing fees to Brunt
$0.78 to the Ferengi Commerce Authority
$20 for responding
We're billing you another $1.95 because you just thought of this meme again.
Almost had him. Forgot they're immune to ~~jedi mind tricks~~ telepathy.
Good catch ... always read the fine print when dealing with the Ferengi