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[-] untorquer@lemmy.world 18 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Behind the Bastards is great! It's like The Dollop but for the worst people in history.

Coolzone media is all fantastic.

For current events there's It Could Happen Here and Executive Disorder (sub series of ICHH, weekly analysis of Trump admin)

He did a lot of coverage of the protests back in 2020 in Portland.

He's also an amazing author: After The Revolution (fictional sci-fi American civil war, free to listen audiobook on the link) and his older A Brief History Of Vice (he talks about historic drug use and personally tries out all the weird ways people did drugs, very funny)

[-] merc@sh.itjust.works 3 points 2 days ago

Coolzone media is all fantastic.

It's good, but I don't like that it's a brand under iHeartRadio, which changed their name from the more infamous Clear Channel Communications.

If there's a bastard in radio, it's definitely Clear Channel.

[-] untorquer@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago

They did address this recently. They're not particularly happy with it either but their previous company got bought. iHeart doesn't seem like it has much interest in meddling with CZM's work in any case. They bring in enough ad revenue.

If you're truly bothered and want leftist political pods with no corporate platforms then there's always the channel zero network. They have a lot of fun stuff!

this post was submitted on 01 Mar 2025
678 points (98.7% liked)

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