The ideas that normies don't sail isn't true. I'm a normie and not rich and I started a sailing school because it's fun as hell. You don't need ^to ^own a boat to go sailing, you only need to know how.
Sunfish are the best. Why, you ask? Just scroll down until you see something... 'jolly'
spoilerNow, these aren't official class sails, but who is going to be racing a sunfish anyway, right? ;) I'm also shocked at the price increase. I paid $150 for mine 10 years ago, which is 1/3 of the true class sails needed for racing.
The ideas that normies don't sail isn't true. I'm a normie and not rich and I started a sailing school because it's fun as hell. You don't need ^to ^own a boat to go sailing, you only need to know how.
Can confirm, especially the smaller sailboats like lasers and such. You can get going insanely fast on a windy day on the lake :)
Sunfish are the best. Why, you ask? Just scroll down until you see something... 'jolly'
Now, these aren't official class sails, but who is going to be racing a sunfish anyway, right? ;) I'm also shocked at the price increase. I paid $150 for mine 10 years ago, which is 1/3 of the true class sails needed for racing.I don't have space for a mini sailboat right now, but these do look fun as a hobby someday :3