[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 9 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

In the defense of the ancients who were naming things like other things they sort of looked like.... what OTHER substance was around at that time that was both white and liquid?


Because maybe we should be grateful for the milk metaphor instead of the option that only nuts would choose...

\ >.> Would you rather it be called after dough?

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 2 points 4 days ago

I mean, I agree with you, personally, but I would make a bet that the amount of people trading sex toys is both bigger than you think, but still so small that you'd never meet one in your dating life.

I sort of want the stats on who trades toys now, just to compare to the amount of people buying dragon-like objects in the first place.

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 5 points 5 days ago

Lol, the community over in reddit basically had as many people buying/selling as they did posts of people using the products. I think they had it in the forums for the bd site as well.

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 38 points 5 days ago

So, interesting and maybe-not-so-fun fact? Most parasites that kill their hosts do so without caring because they can survive elsewhere. We call it a reservoir of infection.

REALLY fun fact, there's some cool life cycles involved. You remember our old friend anthrax? One of its favorite tricks is killing its host, the zebra. When it dies, the anthrax bacteria go down into the soil beneath the corpse, and put on a fresh new coat of paint and open up shop again. Only, this time, they act as a super friendly bacteria that participates in the nitrogen cycle and ensure that the plants in the soil can get everything they'd ever want out of that oh-so-convenient zebra corpse rotting away up above. Why do they do this? Because in their 'friendly' infection of the plants growing (oh, did I forget to mention what plants they infect/cooperate with? It's grass), they get offered right up to the hungry mouths of the next zebra to come along and see an exceptionally vibrant area of green grass.

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 20 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Hmmm, for something that very few other people on lemmy have?

no spoilerMade a post on lemmy and remembered to answer my own question in a reply rather than the post.
spoiler really joking here, folks

:::Asked out my crush. :P :::

For the general world?

I tried to talk someone out of suicide and failed. Can't think of something less cool or envy-inducing.

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 2 points 6 days ago

You... really don't get it, do you? The person being tormented is the one who isn't doing anything. That's the joke. Look around him. You've got bubbles being blown, which creates the sound of a person blowing right near your ear and the sound of the bubbles popping. Then you've got the hand organ down the bench, and across from him you have the paddle ball on string, and someone knitting. All are repetitive, eventually-going-to-drive-you-crazy sounds, much like the slow dripping of water is not terrible in anyway, but comprises the chinese water torture.

They might all be little demons in disguise, or merely figments created by the devil, but who cares? We know they're not persons being punished, because they could stop at any time if the action was a torment.

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 6 points 6 days ago

But it took a few years to take effect. It was the whole, 'the new tax breaks go away, but not for the corporations.'

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 14 points 6 days ago

I would bet most of the people spending energy on complaining about mozilla are doing so because they love it. They loved what it was about, what it was pushing for, and that it was ultimately a gigantic line drawn in the sand against the intrusion of corporate fuckery by google and their like.

Thinking that people should just roll over and accept things becoming worse is such a weird fucking sentiment to espouse.

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 5 points 6 days ago

Never heard of this band before. It's amazing.

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 2 points 6 days ago

It's the desert, you're just happy you're out of the rain.

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 2 points 6 days ago

Sunfish are the best. Why, you ask? Just scroll down until you see something... 'jolly'

spoilerNow, these aren't official class sails, but who is going to be racing a sunfish anyway, right? ;) I'm also shocked at the price increase. I paid $150 for mine 10 years ago, which is 1/3 of the true class sails needed for racing.

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 4 points 6 days ago

but it doesn't disintegrate

Lmao, my little sailboat would like to have a word with you. Maybe it could, too, if I hadn't plastered it over with enough lacquer to make a latex sub's dreams come shooting out of their happy hole. The 'fiberglass-on-top-of-plywood' construction is an absolute bitch if any moisture makes its way to the plywood.

submitted 1 month ago by Kitathalla@lemy.lol to c/games@lemmy.world

I've been on a 'retro' kick recently, and big-mech time has rolled in.

There's a game that I cannot remember the name of, but played at a friend's house like one time and I still remember how insane it was (at the time). The premise that I can remember is either 'big mechs fighting kaiju' or 'big mechs fighting other mechs in a war,' but the twist was that it wasn't from the perspective of the cockpit or third person over the shoulder. I remember you had to run around the city (I remember something like an elevated train platform) with your human character to get a visual of the fight, and then you controlled your mech while looking at it from your little human perspective. The mech fighting felt slower paced, almost like controlling a really giant construction wrecking machine. I think it was mid 00s, and maybe the xbox?

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