Is it worth the trouble with an Nvidia card?
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Original /r/linux_gaming pengwing by uoou.
I daily drive Linux, gaming quite a bit and I have a 3080.
There are occasional annoyances, for example when I wake from suspend one of my monitors doesn't activate until I change display settings (which I do now with a script bound to a hotkey, though a fix is in the pipe). Most of the time it doesn't cause me any issues.
I've kept a Windows install on a partition as a backup in case I have real compatibility issues but I haven't booted it in weeks (even then, it was to play an anti cheat game, nothing NVIDIA related).
I use Hyprland (on Arch, btw) so I'm technically using unsupported software but I have had no major issues.
On the plus side, I can run local AI easily and DLSS/DLAA, to me, produce higher quality results and with less overhead. Ray tracing is technically in the plus column but most of the time I'd rather just have higher FPS than the visual quality.
I don't have HDR gaming just yet (my biggest complaint) because gamescope likes to crash, assuming it launches in the first place. However, a Wayland update is going to fix this imminently (next major release) so you can get HDR without gamescope.
Basically, there were trying times in the past but currently (assuming you're using current versions of things and not some LTS release from a year ago) it's largely a smooth experience.