Is it worth the trouble with an Nvidia card?
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Original /r/linux_gaming pengwing by uoou.
It’s much better these days - at least it works fine on arch and fedora. I wouldn’t worry about nvidia on Linux. That said, I’d go AMD for another reason - $. There’s just no reason to spend the kind of money nvidia wants when you can get something just a tad slower for 1/4 the price. AMD makes cards that can drive a huge monitor at high fps.
Bottom line: whatever is fine.
Some things to consider:
In short, AMD will be more seamless on Linux and cheaper for raster performance. Nvidia may be a little annoying, but has higher top end performance.
I go with AMD because I'm done paying more and having a bit worse experience, but I mostly stick to mid tier cards anyway.
RTX is Nvidia’s brand of gaming GPU’s. It can’t be “on AMD”
RTX means Ray Tracing Texel eXtreme, and people use it to mean "ray tracing" regardless of who is doing it. AMD can do it, just with crappy performance compared to Nvidia.