I made a bread box
A handmade home for woodworkers and admirers of woodworkers. Our community icon is submitted by @1985MustangCobra@lemmy.ca whose father was inspired to start woodworking by Norm and the New Yankee Workshop.
It's my understanding that Oak not being good for cutting boards is in reference to end-grain cutting boards. Oak is very porous and soaks up too many juices (not a problem for bread), but it only really soaks stuff up from the end grain.
For an edge grain board like yours, Oak is a fine choice!
The only benefits of end grain are that it's self healing after being sliced with a knife, and it's a bit more forgiving and won't dull the knife as much. Bamboo, which is very hard, can dull a knife for example.
For a bread knife, these don't matter very much, so edge grain is 100% acceptable, and 1000x easier.