You have been visited by the catfish of good fortune. Many upvotes and new users will be bestowed upon you, but only if you reply "happy fedding" to her message.
I'm thinking, it's an attempt to be more succesful with nerds like us? I gotta admit I thought it was possibly a real person the first time I saw it, I'm more than desensitized to supermodel looking asian pictures from when I was on dating apps and occasionally reddit. I'm guessing just a non horny, non model, claiming to be studying in STEM is trying to avoid the obvious red flags for people that know supermodels probably aren't into them.
I'm thinking, it's an attempt to be more succesful with nerds like us? I gotta admit I thought it was possibly a real person the first time I saw it, I'm more than desensitized to supermodel looking asian pictures from when I was on dating apps and occasionally reddit. I'm guessing just a non horny, non model, claiming to be studying in STEM is trying to avoid the obvious red flags for people that know supermodels probably aren't into them.