Not our chosen leaders. Not our way of life.
We're trying to reduce the numbers of hours a person has to work.
We talk about the end of paid work being mandatory for survival.
/join #antiwork
Taxes could be raised on things which disproportionately affect billionaires, it's not like a flat tax increase is the only option.
It's hard to find even one thing that affects just one group of people. For example, increasing the Capital Gains tax will also impact retirees cashing in their retirement plans. Also, what's to stop them from just leaving the country and renouncing US citizenship when taxes get too burdensome?
Probably the same reason they are manipulating the US right now. Greed.
But lets stop pretending you aren't carrying a billionaire's water for them in this argument.
Global economy. Nothing to prevent them from continuing to make a profit from a brand new tax haven country.