Not our chosen leaders. Not our way of life.
We're trying to reduce the numbers of hours a person has to work.
We talk about the end of paid work being mandatory for survival.
/join #antiwork
Do we have car bans (for the general populace, not people who were banned because they committed a crime) because you have to be licensed to use one?
Do I waste my time arguing about gun control to someone who is clearly not listening and who clearly only cares about themself and their political cause at the expense of reality, human rights and human life?
At the expense of human life? Wtf? Allowing everyone to have guns protects human life?
Human rights? No. Constitutional rights? Maybe, but debatable. Ownership of firearms is not a recognized human right anywhere.
We require car licenses because they're dangerous to operate, even if you almost require them to live. We don't consider this banning them, and we hardly consider it an inconvenience.
We don't require firearm licenses despite them also being dangerous but serving no practical purpose for 99% of the population. Somehow instituting any kind of licensing is called a ban by people like you. I don't understand. Please explain.
I'm listening perfectly well. I don't think the issue of paying attention is on my end.