40 ain't dangerously hot. Temperature reaches 50°C in some parts of the world.
35°C with 100% humidity can be fatal to humans
46°C with 50% humidity can be fatal to humans
Humans can not survive for extended lengths at these temperatures and humidities.
Saying "40 ain't dangerously hot" is dumb.
It can reach almost 50C right here in the US, even.
56.7° C is the hottest temperature ever recorded. It was in the US.
40 ain't dangerously hot. Temperature reaches 50°C in some parts of the world.
35°C with 100% humidity can be fatal to humans
46°C with 50% humidity can be fatal to humans
Humans can not survive for extended lengths at these temperatures and humidities.
Saying "40 ain't dangerously hot" is dumb.
It can reach almost 50C right here in the US, even.
56.7° C is the hottest temperature ever recorded. It was in the US.