23°F to 41°F is -5°C to 5°C
If it's below 40°F I'd be cautious of Ice. Once again, it doesn't matter that water freezes at exactly 32°F at standard pressure.
It's like boiling water. No one puts a thermometer in water to make sure that it hits 100°C exactly.
150°F water will scald you in a second (65°C)
140°F water will scaled you in 3 seconds (60°C)
120°F water will scaled you in 10 minutes (50°C)
+100°F water has the potential to scaled you (~40°C)
I'd rather know that +100°F water has a chance to burn me than remembering +40°C has a chance.
That's way more important knowledge than the freezing and boiling temperatures of water at standard pressure.
23°F to 41°F is -5°C to 5°C
If it's below 40°F I'd be cautious of Ice. Once again, it doesn't matter that water freezes at exactly 32°F at standard pressure.
It's like boiling water. No one puts a thermometer in water to make sure that it hits 100°C exactly.
150°F water will scald you in a second (65°C)
140°F water will scaled you in 3 seconds (60°C)
120°F water will scaled you in 10 minutes (50°C)
+100°F water has the potential to scaled you (~40°C)
I'd rather know that +100°F water has a chance to burn me than remembering +40°C has a chance.
That's way more important knowledge than the freezing and boiling temperatures of water at standard pressure.