"1 more reply"
The official lemmy community for Voyager, an open source, mobile-first client for lemmy.
Do you have bots blocked in your settings? It could be bot posts that aren't being shown; they still show up on post counts and reply numbers (and your notifications).
Oh maybe that's it, good idea. Do you know where that setting is? I must be blind today because I know I've seen it before but now I can't find it...
Upper right corner, click your username -> Settings, scroll all the way to the bottom.
My Voyager app looks nothing like this. Settings are at the bottom and I can't find any bot settings
Some of your account settings aren't actually in the app, but on your account on the web. A bit confusing.
I'm on web; can't speak to what it looks like in Voyager. Might be that you've got to log in on web to set the setting. It should hold in Voyager.
I don't block bots but I still have this problem. Something else is causing it.