Scrooge. (feddit.uk)
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[-] Nakoichi@hexbear.net 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Overpopulation is a myth that is constantly peddled by fascists. The problem is not too many people, the problem is the hegemonic system that keeps in place the conditions that cause people to have so many children, often out of necessity due to increased infant mortality and child mortality caused by conditions imposed by western imperialists.

The problem isn't people having kids, the problem is capitalism and colonialism. If the US disappeared right now the entire world would benefit more than any amount of just pushing birth control alone as a solution, when the people you are talking about, per capita, produce a fraction of the carbon and consume a fraction of the resources the average person in the west does.

You are the one that is not being intellectually honest here, by refusing to engage with the broader context of all of these conditions and actions and their dialectical relationship. I am trying to teach you, but you have to open yourself up to some self criticism and re-education.

And it's fine to admit you are wrong, nobody is going to ridicule you for that. But you have to start to acknowledge some of the chauvinist bullshit you have been saddled with that would bring you to such conclusions, otherwise our discussion is going to be fruitless.

this post was submitted on 10 Sep 2023
1364 points (97.4% liked)

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