“Here BUTT, this POKÉBALL can catch any POKÉMON. It’s called the MASTERBALL.“
[Trows it onto an ABRA]
[25 Years later]
“Why is there not a single Masterball used in your whole living Pokédex?“
In my case it is because I want all of my pokemon having the same pokeball appearance
All for the aesthetics
Indeed. Fasion comes in many forms and fasion is often endgame
“Here BUTT, this POKÉBALL can catch any POKÉMON. It’s called the MASTERBALL.“
[Trows it onto an ABRA]
[25 Years later]
“Why is there not a single Masterball used in your whole living Pokédex?“
In my case it is because I want all of my pokemon having the same pokeball appearance
All for the aesthetics
Indeed. Fasion comes in many forms and fasion is often endgame