Meme transcription: A table comparing the steps to start a game ‘then’ vs. ‘now’.
Content of the “Then” column:
- Double-click GAME.exe
- Play game
Content of the “Now” column:
- Launch Steam
Steam updates
Steam opens
- Close Steam’s ad window
- Select Game
Game launcher starts
Game launcher launches Game launcher updater
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- Ok
Would you like to sign up for our newsletter?
- No
Our EULAs have changed. Please review them before continuing
- Scroll
- Scroll
- Scroll
- Scroll
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes, sell my soul
- Start game
- Skip vendor intro
- Skip vendor intro #2
- Skip vendor intro #3
- Sit through nVidia The way it’s meant to be played
- Skip opening cutscene
Main menu opens
Would you like to connect your Steam account to account?
- No
- Press play.
- Play game.
I know what you mean, but who are this "double click" and "exe" guys?
on tape.Judging from your username, you must have had very old hardware when you were young.
Or ... 99 has a more uncommon meaning for me 🤓
(in reality the hardware in question was brand new hottest stuff when I was young)
And when it’s loaded: ‘> You are standing at a crossroads, there are ways to the North, East, West and South. There is a Dwarf. The Dwarf throws an axe at you, the axe misses ‘>_
‘>Grab the axe