It's fine until you run out of disk space
Post funny things about programming here! (Or just rant about your favourite programming language.)
Once we have super fast reliable internet we'll likely have the whole computer as a service. We'll just have access terminals basically and a subscription with a login, except for the nerds who want their own physical machine.
Bro just reinvented mainframes.
They've been reinvented repeatedly. Citrix, terminal servers, thin clients, cloud desktops, web apps, remote app delivery......
Most people (not necessarily here) need a web browser and an office program. Most people are well suited to terminals or something like a Chromebook.
I need actual hardware for my job and hobbies, but even I have a mini PC set up like a gaming console so that if I want to play games on my bedroom TV I don't have to hook up my Steam Deck or gaming laptop. I just stream them.
Microsoft: Write it down! Write it down!
& thin clients
No. Just no.
And get off my lawn, ya whippersnapper.
RAM as a service can't happen. It's just far too slow. The whole computer can though. It's RAM can be local so it can access it quickly, then it just needs to stream the video over, which is relatively simple if creating some amount of latency to deal with.
Mhmm... Computer as a service. Why does that sound familiar...?
You have to hand it to the French though, that stuff was pretty dope.
I was there, Gandalf. I was there, three thousand years ago.
Given how so many of us communicate, work, and compute using cloud platforms and services, we’re basically already there.
How many apps are basically just a dumb client using a REST API?
you will own nothing and be happy!
Wait, we already had that in the 70s.
You have to know that some dinosaur at ibm is screaming about how they gave up the centralized computer and is salivating over gigabit fiber so he can charge everyone 15 bucks a month to use an ibm mainframe.
Stadia almost didn’t suck, I bet we’re 10 years from phones just being hand terminals that tap into a local server and desktops won’t be far behind.
Like in The Expanse?
Exactly like the expanse.
Fucking love those books, am listening to one now.
Have you seen the Amazon show at all? How did you feel about it?
I’m happy it happened and gave us up to book 6 on the little screen.
The show runners for both the syfy and Amazon seasons were the original writers, so everything is very true to their vision of the story. I’m only sad that they didn’t get to finish the final few books on television. The whole series is a Masterpiece of hard science fiction.
For many of us Stadia didn't suck at all, except for the game library and Google lack of commitment.
sweaty gamers and nerds as always unite over having proper physical PCs rather than online services or consoles.
Given the digital literacy of many "regular people" (e.g. my father, and seemingly every other of my friends), the idea is appealing. Especially, as most of them don't care about privacy. Give them decent availability, and they will throw money at you. And if you also give them support, I will, too.
That's exactly how it works right now with VDI. I'm using one at work.
Honestly, cloud gaming is very good… when it is good. Sometime it suck. But when it’s good it’s incredible how much it feels like gaming locally.