In a place like Night City i think it's pretty clear why everyone walking around armed to the gills is a bad idea.
The fact that you're pretty likely to be shot into ribbons is a big downside, even if sometimes that's survivable (and it's pretty clear that it is not for most people).
"Explain to me how night City isnt a utopia" "right to bear arms? Yep"
Sounds like he explained one big reason himself.
For some people the right to keep and bear arms is a good thing not a bad thing.
I think the bigger problem is not that armed people are everywhere, but that violent crime is common...
In a place like Night City i think it's pretty clear why everyone walking around armed to the gills is a bad idea.
The fact that you're pretty likely to be shot into ribbons is a big downside, even if sometimes that's survivable (and it's pretty clear that it is not for most people).
To add to this, there are literally vending machines in the game that sell loaded guns.