Note the 'CONSIDER' which leaves the reader with a choice on if they want to qualify themselves as that or not.. I see Lvl.1 reading comprehesion isn't in your skill tree yet. Keep grinding bub.
Opinions aren't subject to being believed by others or not, idk how you can read and write but haven't figured that out.
Ah, sorry master reader, I'm trying to read your words but my skills are clearly not enough for this high level text. All I see on my screen is "someone disagreed with my opinion so I'm throwing personal attacks on them because I feel invalidated".
People can disagree with long texts, why is that a surprise?
"Consider that maybe you are just a spoiled brat, or terminally miserable."
Note the 'CONSIDER' which leaves the reader with a choice on if they want to qualify themselves as that or not.. I see Lvl.1 reading comprehesion isn't in your skill tree yet. Keep grinding bub.
Opinions aren't subject to being believed by others or not, idk how you can read and write but haven't figured that out.
Ah, sorry master reader, I'm trying to read your words but my skills are clearly not enough for this high level text. All I see on my screen is "someone disagreed with my opinion so I'm throwing personal attacks on them because I feel invalidated".
Once again, opinion isn't subject to external invalidation when the qualifiers are based on personal preference. Bye