DVD writing help needed
On Reddit we have r/dvdcollection, r/boutiquebluray, r/4kbluray, r/steelbook, r/vhs, etc but let's start simply with a community to cover all the forms of home video collecting.
So, do you feel nostalgic for a format? Are you looking forward to a release? Heard any exciting news? Want to show us your shelves? Then post away.
Elsewhere on the Fediverse:
Try imgburn
PS: why not get a super cheap android tv box instead? install vlc on it and plug usb. Just sayin, I had a bit of experience on burning dvds and they take a lot of time if the discs (like x8) and your dvd burning drive was super old
Imgburn is what I used back in the day.
I'd also look into Casting it to the TV.
Well, that would be a good option as well but IMHO, im not 100% onto casting since there is like a sync delay which may ruin the watching experience and also I just added "the tvbox idea" because ngl, burning cds is a bit time consuming, unless you have like blank dvds laying around and a burner hardware.
I do and I still wouldn't bother because storage is so cheap and plentiful.
If they've got a games machine or smart TV/media player they'd likely not even need an Android box.
I've never had much luck with casting. I'd also need the subtitles to sync properly too. I usually have to turn them off. Would you cast from phone then - to what - a chromecast?
Depends on the TV, some you can cast straight too.
If latency is an issue then you could try plugging in some kind of storage device with the films on. Again, it might depend on the hardware but I'd imagine most TVs have the facility.
Just tried it - it was fast, but it just copied the mkv file as is. Don't these need some conversion work on them first so they play as a movie ?
Thanks for the idea of a cheap android box - sounds plausible. Any good ones that spring to mind?
Neat! Not sure about that since it depends on the player. Some players has mkv support and vise versa.
Im satisfied with mxq pro as my 1080p media box, but if you want some tinkering, you may go with tanix tx6 or q+ tv box then install armbian on it, or any sbc that can be installed with libreelec
I never thought to check what the dvd player supports - duh! I'll do that next. Thanks for the info on the boxes.
Im not sure with dvd players with big names like sony, lg etc. Most cheapo with unknown brand/rebranded has mkv support
Ps: i forgot to advise that you need to convert it 1st to mp4 before burning it, i would advise handbrake https://handbrake.fr/