I know it's common we ADHD peeps tend to be constantly switching docs/psychs. I have been on SSRIs for more than 10 years now and don't know if my issues are due to untreated ADHD.
My previous 2 psychs haven't been that helpful.
I was going through a rough patch after trying Stimulants, and the doc started mentioning that I was extremely depressed, and that maybe I should consider a mental health institution. I commented multiple times that I felt anxiety and stress was my issue but she disagreed, but still tried to put me on Seroquel off label, which I never took.
I felt that my psych was treating me like a child, telling me similar stuff to "man up, grab the bull by the horns" etc.
I started seeing my current therapist due to feelings that my psychiatrist was exhausted from dealing with me.
Current therapist doesn't even see me for more than 20 mins, I am never able to ask enough questions or list my symptoms. I also had issues with her due to not refilling my prescription for multiple days even after calling her.
I'm currently on vortioxetine 20mg and gabapentin for "sleep". Current psych mentioned I might give guanfacine a try.
I don't know, i feel I should look for a new psychiatrist, maybe someone that specializes in ADHD? Or am I just overthinking and I'm the one at fault and not "listening" to the doctors?
I also switched a bunch of psychiatrists because they didn't help me almost at all. I decided that the next one I will be visiting is someone who specializes in ADHD but they're rare to find in my country so I'm not sure how it will go. I wish you the best luck.