My wife turns off the WiFi on her phone to avoid the pihole. She does this so she can watch the ads in her games to get an extra life or whatever. You'll never win on that front and I won't either.
I get so pissed off when I try to play sudoku on the bus and it forces me to watch 30 seconds of ads between each game. And then during the game I have to ignore the flashing banner ad at the bottom of the screen.
I also really don't like ads, but I think what's lately been bothering me more is every short form video that exists has subtitles added to the middle of the video. I can't even look at the videos because I hate getting distracted by the unnecessary text in my face. Like just let me watch your video, I don't need you to spoon feed me the words too.
My wife turns off the WiFi on her phone to avoid the pihole. She does this so she can watch the ads in her games to get an extra life or whatever. You'll never win on that front and I won't either.
I get so pissed off when I try to play sudoku on the bus and it forces me to watch 30 seconds of ads between each game. And then during the game I have to ignore the flashing banner ad at the bottom of the screen.
Just pay for a good offline sudoku app. It probably costs less than a cup of coffee. Then we'll all be happier.
or get an open source, free and privacy friendly one from f-droid in case you haven't tied your hands with an iphone
Simple games don't need internet access. Can't you block network connection for that app?
A better option even is getting something like what suggested, or this other one or this other one
Then pay 99 fucking cents for the app.
If the ads annoy you enought to post online, but the app is good enough that you keep playing anyway, then pay the developer for their work.
I swear to God some people around here have heard the term FOSS and thought "I don't have to pay for software, hur dur it's free and writes itself!"
I recommend Airplane mode or getting this
Try this
There's TrackerControl.
Lol at all of these comments coming up with ways to not pay someone $1 for a sudoku app.
I also really don't like ads, but I think what's lately been bothering me more is every short form video that exists has subtitles added to the middle of the video. I can't even look at the videos because I hate getting distracted by the unnecessary text in my face. Like just let me watch your video, I don't need you to spoon feed me the words too.
It's a decent value to play the ad while you actually pay attention to the show you're "watching" for 30 seconds.
You ever consider divorce? /S
People defend what's familiar, even if it's shit
Oh my god, this statement hits too hard, especially relating to my wife and things like this. She's very resistant to change.
Same. My wife gets mad that her ad emails won't load on her phone. I'm like, hun, just delete them, we don't have money anyway.