I hate chromium
A place to discuss the news and latest developments on the open-source browser Firefox
The only think I can't do in FF is flash an esp32. It's the only reason I have chrome installed.
There are multiple dedicated ESP32 flashing programs available for most operating systems, there should be no reason to use any web browser to flash a microcontroller.
The fact this even needs to be said says a lot about modern web browsers, and software development in general.
WebUSB is handy for things like factory resetting a pixel, where it's one of many options available... what I don't like is when manufacturers decide to only allow their device to be configured over webusb (looking at you various mech keyboard companies 🤬)
I never learned how to use that, just used the CLI tools like fastboot and adb for all that
How do you factory reset a Pixel through web?
Probably so. I've been having trouble with getting my boards to work with the esphome site, so I've just been using the flashing utility from esp.