Citroën Éole dashboard 1985/1986
A place to share and discuss Cassette Futurism: media where the technology closely matches the computers and technology of the 70s and 80s.
Whether it's bright colors and geometric shapes, the tendency towards stark plainness, or the the lack of powerful computers and cell phones, Cassette Futurism includes: Cassettes, ROM chips, CRT displays, computers reminiscent of microcomputers like the Commodore 64, freestanding hi-fi systems, small LCD displays, and other analog technologies.
See this blog to know more.
Of course it’s not a difficult idea, its just such an obviously stupid idea that I can’t believe it made it past the brainstorming phase
What's stupid about it? You got a big screen and potential waiting times up to an hour at superchargers (or any other such situation), so why not throw in some games
It’s fine for things like that, but somebody with actual sense had to tell Elon that you can’t have streaming movies and video games going in the center console when the vehicle is in motion. That was A Thing he wanted it to do. I’m assuming that at least that was never on the table for the Citroën.