Be silent! Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth.
The Lord of the rings memes communitiy on Lemmy. Share memes about Lord of the rings and be respectful.
Squidward the Handsome marches past Patric Smoothbrain while raising his flute to his lips.
"His flute! I told you to take the musician's flute!"
As Squidward approaches the throne and inhales sharply, the torches dim in anticipation.
Squidward before ascending.
The Hobbits are played by Gary and 3 other snails.
Sally is Aragorn. Mermaid man and barnacle boy are Gimli and Legolas.
Gollum is Plankton and Karen.
Jellyfish are the Ringwraiths
Squilliam Fancyson is Sauramon
Smaug is played by Mr Krabs
You meant Sandy, not Sally, right?
Yeah oops