When I search for unusual (but not illegal) pornographic images, those unusual (but not illegal) pornographic images are exactly what I expect to find on my results.
Now, if God can provide me a direct link to some hot Sandy Cheeks porn then we're in business, otherwise he can jog on.
When I search for unusual (but not illegal) pornographic images, those unusual (but not illegal) pornographic images are exactly what I expect to find on my results.
Now, if God can provide me a direct link to some hot Sandy Cheeks porn then we're in business, otherwise he can jog on.
here you go.
I'd forgotten that was a thing. :/
Also, I'm on mobile. That link was either a rick roll or Sandy Cheeks porn. Either way, why did I click that link?
I knew exactly what I was clicking on, yet i clicked anyway
What? No rick roll?