Try to be nice; always be kind.
I love this speech
“Never be cruel. Never be cowardly. Hate is always foolish. Love is always wise. Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind.”
The Twelfth Doctor, TWICE UPON A TIME
Thanks for bringing the real quote 😊
"Never eat pears. They're too squishy and they always make your chin wet. That one's quite important. Write it down."
I never exactly warmed up to Twelve, but he had a good number of moments that I loved, and this quote was one of them.
A good old fashioned Doctor Who Community
Try to be nice; always be kind.
I love this speech
“Never be cruel. Never be cowardly. Hate is always foolish. Love is always wise. Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind.”
The Twelfth Doctor, TWICE UPON A TIME
Thanks for bringing the real quote 😊
"Never eat pears. They're too squishy and they always make your chin wet. That one's quite important. Write it down."
I never exactly warmed up to Twelve, but he had a good number of moments that I loved, and this quote was one of them.