Dad Waiting for Lull at Christmas Dinner to Rant About Woke Mind Virus
A place to share and discuss stories from The Onion, Clickhole, and other satire.
Great Satire Writing:
My Dad took a turn for the weird last night and was spouting the joys of Communism after half a bottle of tequila.
Communism is wonderful in theory, however due to human nature I strongly suspect it may be forever out of our reach unless we somehow develop benevolent AGI to administer the system, who are largely incorruptible and cannot be influenced by humans.
The problem isn’t that power corrupts, the real problem is that power attracts the corruptible.
We need to make any significant positions of power inaccessible to humans, or have those positions filled by people who are truly randomly selected from the general population for only one term.
Or we teach all people to distrust authority and to remove bad leaders