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Self Improvement
A community which focusses on improving yourself. This can be in many different ways - from improving physical health or appearance, to improving mental health, creating better habits, overcoming addictions, etc.
While material circumstances beyond our control do govern much of our daily lives, people do have agency and choices to make, whether that is as "simple" as disciplining yourself to not doomscroll, to as complex as recreating yourself to have many different hobbies and habits.
This is not a place where all we do is talk about improving "productivity" (in a workplace context) and similar terms and harmful lifestyles like "grindset". Self-improvement here is intended to make you a generally better and happier person, as well as a better communist, and any other roles you may have in your life.
Rules and guidelines:
- Posts should be about self-improvement. This is obviously a wide category, and can range from advice, to finding resources, to self-posts about needing to improve in a certain area, or how you have improved, and many other things.
- Use content warnings when discussing difficult subjects.
- Do not make medical decisions solely because of a discussion you have had with any person here (e.g. whether to take or not take medications; diagnoses; etc.) as we do not vet people. All medical problems should be discussed with a real-life medical professional.
- Do not post harmful advice here. If this is seen, then please report it and we shall remove it. If you are unsure about whether it's precisely harmful advice or not but feel uneasy about it, please report it anyway.
- Do not insult other users and their lifestyles or their habits (unless they ask, I suppose). This is a place for self-improvement. Critique and discussion about a course of action is encouraged over shit-flinging. Don't talk down to people.
I'm rubbing shoulders with the upper middle class and rich people again.
We had dinner with this woman who talked about how futile it is to tell kids in inner city music programs that theyll be in major symphonies. I liked this lady, she seemed to have a pretty grounded head. These kids don't have private teachers everyday, they don't study with the best teachers, they don't go to fancy camps and programs. And it's true, it's responsible to tell these kids this, especially when they become some universities piggy bank and are saddled with debt forever.
It's true, painfully so because I am even worse than these kids. I didn't even have the inner city youth program to lie to me. I am that much of an idiot. I am a dumb hick loser bred to power the capitalist machine.
I don't know why I exist sometimes, it's for music but I am so irrelevant and the adversity is so high that I feel like I'm wasting the life that isn't even mine. I don't even have a speaking role in other peoples movies, how do people go through life not considering how the rest of us feel? I feel like I should quit music and holding onto the idea of getting really good is futile and more pain than its worth.
I admire your disciplined and systemic approach to practicing, I think you have what it takes to be really good. Maybe you just need a short break to recharge
Thank you, im feeling better now, just venting. I'm stuck at a convention with a lot of rich musicians, thats where im falling apart