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I am not talking about SH because SH is just ONE part of Germany. The german Government was 16 years of sleeping on issues that needed solutions asap. Not all was bad, but in terms of future proofing Germany there wasn't a lot.
Okay, that is irrelevant as a reason that not all conservatives think like that. If they wouldn't be one of the first affected states they would just do what CDU does in other places since these politicians wouldn't be part of CDU otherwise.
Sure, that is not a thing on the federal level, though, which is what I was talking about. Even in BW I see it as delusional to think the greens could overtake CDU but that is just my opinion.
When the biggest conservative Party has christian literally in their name religion and politics can't be that separated. I for one think that the world is better off without religions but that not realistically ever happening, so reform is the only option. That doesn't mean that we have to be happy with the slow speed of reform and the stubbornness of a lot of believers in certain matters. Some things just aren't up for debate and have to be accepted.
That is good on a regional level but federally you can see a very alarming trend. Only thinking regionally is not the play. We NEED to fight for this everywhere because this may not be a thing now in SH but it may be a thing in the future. Also Lutheran church is just as likely as other denominations to just say they love but in actuality not loving at all. Just saying they don't want that doesn't mean that that is the truth. There are more than enough lutherans that hate just as much as catholics.
Oh so you feel superior? Any point you make is irrelevant then. A feeling of superiority doesn't let you see things objectively. I also categorize SPD as conservative btw and think Scholz is neither a good chanselor nor a progressive and he should be banned from any political role for this and his involvement in the CumEx scandal.
Conservatives only care about things that either affect them directly or their rule. Naming one good thing that one conservative has done while not mentioning that current conservatives are trying to undermine that very thing is disingenuous at best.
So we are just going to ignore all the pet projects of conservatives, for example Scheuers car toll, that cost the tax payer a huge amount of money while accomplishing nothing? Pet projects are stupid and shouldn't be a thing. I doubt you would find a progressive that disagrees.
And your opinion on that matter is the only correct one? How about we listen to experts that know what they are talking about instead of politicians that are heavily invested in a different outcome.
And I was talking about a particular breed of conservatives taking SH as an example. It's not my fault when you miss the topic.
From the very beginning I made it very clear that I was drawing a line between conservatism and regressive and reactionary politics. You saying "but regressives and reactionaries exist and they call themselves conservatives" in a million variations doesn't' exactly add to the conversation, yes everyone knows that those people exist. I mentioned them from the start.
One possible way to fight this would be to make sure Günther becomes the next chancellor candidate of the CDU. Of course, to do that one would have to be a CDU member. Are you friends with any which you could egg on to make that a thing? Or is your enmity so strong that you refuse to exert influence like that? How about talking to more centre-leaning people, convincingthem that a Günther-led CDU might be acceptable, whereas Merz is an absolute no-go? The CDU will try to get as much centre votes as possible, their preferences matter.
A Günther-led CDU is certainly more realistic than convincing a gazillion of habitual CDU voters that they shouldn't vote CDU.
...or at least someone out of that general corner of the CDU, just looked at recent news Günther seems to push Wüst (NRW) as he wants to stay in SH until (at least) 2027. Or maybe he's playing coy and/or hedging. Never believe a politician when they say they don't want a certain position.
Or maybe seeing things objectively leaves me not with a feeling of superiority, but a dispassionate knowledge of superiority. How come we're the poorest west-German state but still by far the happiest of all?
I don't think I've ever said anything positive about the CSU in my life. Not even parts of it. Not even a single politician.
District heating being better is what scientists say. In matters of shoes I defer to the shoemaker.