Ancaps (don't) rule
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Has any online leftist ever talked to an ancap? It's not that they suppirt oppression outright, just that they don't care if it doesn't affect them. That's why their ideology makes sense: they don't consider that they'd be the proles, they'd be the capitalists.
Coincidentally, that's why most authoritarians support their brand of oppression: in their specific genre, they're the winners and the losers can go fuck themselves. And no, they don't consider that they're just paving the way to their ineviable overthrow
So they support oppression outright.
"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor"
(never mind that they openly support capitalism, and capitalism by design and necessity is oppressive, so either way, you're not making the point you think you're making, or worse, are being not even neutral in the face of "an"caps ambitions of oppression, but actively arguing in its defence)
There's a difference between wanting to opress people and wanting something that oppresses people for its other effects. The forner is unrelatable and outright evil, the latter is something most people do without even realizing it
Intent to support and support in effect are separate things. You can do one without the other. When you conflate the two, it muddies the water (although it is still good to point out that accidentally supporting something is still support)
Milei, the "anarcho-capitalist" president of Argentina, is now trying to outlaw abortion. This guy is pretty much against certain civil liberties.
Their arguments don't make sense until they successfully redefine every term they use, like Anarchism, hierarchy, consent, and more.
But abortion affects literally everyone.
Not if you have no qualms about abandoning your partner and children
Nah you still have to deal with all the increased crime.
okay, i should have said "if it doesn't directly affect them"