Death by PowerPoint [Work Chronicles]
Comic Strips is a community for those who love comic stories.
The rules are simple:
Web of links
Each slide should have a max of 4 dot points, with each dot point roughly representing one spoken paragraph. Each dot point should have only the 3-4 most important words next to it. Speak the rest, but imagine that the dot point is what you want them to remember.
For example
Slide says:
What you say:
Due to the added bump from Christmas sales, we moved an additional 2500 units this quarter, which is about 15% of our year to date revenue. This is bigger than our Christmas sales last year, by about 7%. We think the increase is due to our new SKUs.
[Click, next dot point appears]
It's better to have lots of slides with less info per slide.
If you have a small number of slides but they are too dense, the audience will read it in a couple of seconds then get bored, and will stop paying attention while waiting for you to finish reading.