5 Firefox extensions for Android I can't live without
A place to discuss the news and latest developments on the open-source browser Firefox
It was until a recent Chrome update for Android that they took out the ability to turn the webpages dark within the hidden settings, and that was what motivated me to go back to Firefox (first time user on Android though).
I haven't looked back, and am actually not sure if they brought the feature back, nor that I care nowadays ;).
I tried dark reader in Firefox on Android but felt it was slowing down website rendering too much. I switched to Dark background and Light Text which is faster.
I still use Dark Reader on Desktop though.
Same for me
I almost dumped Firefox on Android for Chromium based one due to this reason before realising the culprit, many sites were super sluggish and FF often lost cache when I changed between apps.
I am now just using the built in setting, many sites have native dark mode and the ones that don't - I realised it does not bother me too much.