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This is a community for everything comics related! A place for all comics fans.
1- Do not violate site-wide rules
2- Be civil.
3- If you are going to post NSFW content that doesn't violate the site-wide rules, please mark it as NSFW and add a content warning (CW). This includes content that shows the killing of people and or animals, gore, content that talks about suicide or shows suicide, content that talks about sexual assault, etc. Please use your best judgement. We want to keep this space safe for all our comic lovers.
4- No Zionism or Hasbara apologia of any kind. We stand with Palestine 🇵🇸 . Zionists will be banned on sight.
5- The moderation team reserves the right to remove any post or comments that it deems a necessary for the well-being and safety of the members of this community, and same goes with temporarily or permanently banning any user.
- If possible, give us your sources.
- If possible, credit creators of each comics in the title or body of your post. If you are the creator, please credit yourself. A simple “- Me” would suffice.
- In general terms, write in body of your post as much information as possible (dates, creators, editors, links).
- If you found the image on the web, it is encouraged to put the direct link to the image in the ‘Link’ field when creating a post, instead of uploading the image to Lemmy. Direct links usually end in .jpg, .png, etc.
- One post by topic.
one thing i've noticed, is that when you get into less moderated, harder to moderate, and less centralized services, particularly anti-censorship ones, you get a lot of shitty people congregating there. And the reason why is pretty simple, it's because you can. Some of it is probably just edgy shitposting, because, internet. Some of it is also just genuine, because again, the internet.
So you get this weird thing where it fractures heavily, into to small communal groups, that each do their own thing. But you have a broad group of outliers, who generally exist outside of this space also, which means that it tends to be rather hit and miss what you find.
This is one of the reasons i really like the darknet conceptually. Yes there may be racism there, but you know what else isn't there? Rules, and you know what that means? People can make their own however they please. Don't like it? Go away, simple as that.
r/TalesFromYourServer: Kicking a Nazi out as soon as they walk in
Think of it as 'Exit' or "No Smoking" or "Bus Stop" signs.
Not aesthetically pleasing, but needed for the common good.
Someone should make a find replacement copypasta with "Zionist" and "Palestinian" that would get some engagement
The biggest mistake new moderators make is allowing bad actors to use the rules against them. You can't be too prescriptive, you can't give them ammo to go "well this doesn't technically violate any rule." And when they complain you have a "don't disrupt the community" rule and say it's "too vague" just tag them as potentially a problem and see what they do. In my experience, they inevitably deserve a ban.
Users may hate “moderator discretion” as a rule, but by fuck do users hate not having it as well
sdfsafThis is my experience moderating communities as well. The worst trolls get a kick out of testing how far they can stretch the rules and provoke mayhem without getting banned. Excessively explicit rules also trample over people who would usually cause no trouble, but get too tense under exceptional situations.
It’s amazing how disruptive 2-3 people can be in a community of hundreds or even thousands.