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The decision matrix here isn't [civil engagement ||
|| uncivil engagement], but rather:[civil engagement
incur non-zero risk of uncivil retaliation ||or
|| do not engage]Non-participation is the safer option, broadly speaking. If your speaking with a stranger, it's better to let a minor slight slide, than to engage civilly. As you get to know someone better, as you become more familiar with conditions, this chart becomes a secondary consideration or even unnecessary. But with strangers, you never know if you're dealing with an outlier.
Considering it's a whole lot of aggrieved bullshit revolving around civility-haranguing, you're lucky the harangued respondent even gave that much. Posts like this are deadass why when debate pervs start debate perving to that magnitude, I respond with "I'm real happy you feel that way but I'm not reading all that shit"
Cause I want the 10 minutes it took me to get through all that ego-brain bullshit returned to my possession