2045 (by Ikegami Noroshi)
Anime characters who are partly, or entirely, technological. Or from works featuring sci-fi/cyberpunk/steampunk settings.
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I don't think there is a single sci-fi thing in existence since the original manga and initial movie, that wasn't touched by them in some way.
They are foundational. It's been tragic to see the name of the franchise plastered on things that barely even begin to explore the concepts that made the series groundbreaking.
The second film Innocence was also really good. The parade in Taiwan is probably my favourite scene from all adaptations.
Oh yes, but there was nine years between it and the first film.
I would simply posit that when it comes to impacting the sci-fi/cyberpunk genre, the first film stood alone for long enough to leave a mark all on its own, before the franchise really became, well, a franchise.
The SAC anime and Arise are also big favourites of mine, I just don't credit them with being seminal sci-fi works, the way the initial manga and movie are.