TIL boiling water can remove microplastics
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Don't get me wrong, I do find this information interesting. It's still just about as useful as eating a huge bucket of greasy fried chicken and then chasing it down with a Diet Coke, and thinking you're accomplishing something.
The chicken, and any other foods you eat, still have microplastics in it. Unless you treat all the water, not just for yourself, but for the foods we grow to eat too. Not very feasible when you think of the bigger picture.
They also say microplastics are even found in the clouds. Clouds are basically just saturated humidity, aka water in the air. There's pretty much no such thing as air with 0% humidity, so you're literally breathing in trace amounts of microplastics, right this moment, while you're reading my comment.
And where are you gonna store the boiled water anyways? I don't know of anyone that keeps glass bottles around these days. I guess you could put it in a metal thermos, soldered together with lead based solder..
If I spent every day freaking out about every little thing I can do to try to extend my life by 6 months or whatever, I'd end up dying of a heart attack.
If people really wanna put a serious dent in the microplastic problem, they need to focus way more on removing all the macroplastics from the oceans and the environment. Boiling a pot of water every now and then ain't doing much of shit.
A wise man once told me that perfect is the enemy of good.
Boil your water if it's worth the effort for you. Otherwise don't. For many of us, it's a small effort for small gains.