Poor Sega just didn't get the timing right.
Vintage gaming community.
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Hey.......I still remember the release date. 9/9/99.
Plus, you could use your dreamcast to talk to a fish. An insulting sarcastic fish.....but the game was narrated by Leonard Nemoy. Sometimes he'd insult you too.....
Seaman is one of those games that I'm intentionally not replaying, because it absolutely blew my mind when I was ten years old, and I just want to leave it that way. I'm guessing the tricks they used to mimic conversation would be very obvious to me now, but back then it seemed completely real. That game turned your CRT TV into a fish tank with an honest to god talking fish inside of it... and Spock gave you updates about how he was doing when you checked on him after school.
Its all fun and games until a frog starts asking about your views on Ronald Reagan
Joe Rogan wasn't involved in that project.
avgn has a pretty good episode on this
In an age of LLM, Seaman needs a remake.
Yes! It's the only kind of game where an LLM would be a good addition.