Nov 5th? Is he planning to blow up parliament?
People tweeting stuff. We allow tweets from anyone.
In California you no longer need to apply for vote-by-mail, they mail a ballot to everyone and you can either mail it back, no stamp needed, or drop it in any ballot box, or take it to any polling place on the day to hand it to a person.
It's so much better to be able to sit there at a computer or on your phone, looking up the candidates for the smaller offices and marking them as you go.
And you can get phone notifications for when your ballot is received and counted.
Oregon too. There's also a service where you just give it your voting registration details and an email address and it emails you:
Same in Michigan. Voters here passed a ballot initiative with a bunch of voting rights protections in 2022, and now you can sign up to be mailed a ballot once, and they keep sending it for every election if that, if you check the box saying you want that. It makes it SO easy to vote, especially for smaller elections that I ordinarily probably wouldn’t pay attention to
Isn't it amazing how much more likely we are to participate in our democracy once the barriers are taken away?
It's almost like the people whose wealth doesn't depend on showing up to a job every day wanted to be the only ones making decisions.
It took a pandemic for the states to even try it, and some states have pulled it back.
Wisconsin's been fun with voting rights restrictions. After the repeal of the repbulican drawn & super-biased districts that jerrymandered the state to shit, republicans have been pushing ballot measure after ballot measure to try to suppress voters, because if they can't win by cheating one way they'll find a different way to cheat