Internet as an art
Rule 1: All post titles except for meta posts should be just plain "hmmm" and nothing else, no emotes, no capitalisation, no extending it to "hmmmm" etc.
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I won't be moving all of them here but I will keep most of them.
As long as that’s her own hair, I think that is hella nifty. It says she had the personal discipline to grow her hair out, but then also wanted the option for switching back and forth between long and short hair on her own schedule, and not tied to her follicular performance.
If it’s not, it’s just as superficial and fake as any other hair extension.
And I would say this about anyone, not just women. Hell, if I could do the same with my beard in a way that actually looked decent and would not be widely ridiculed, I would seriously consider it. Because just like long hair, while any mountain man can sport a scraggly mess, a good beard takes years of discipline to grow into a well-coiffed mane.
I don't really see how hair extensions are any more superficial and fake than lots of other fashion choices. I mean, I get it, I think a lot of fashion is superficial and fake, but I don't see why hair extensions have any particular stigma. Done well they look nice, done poorly they look like shit. None of my business. Some people have a hard time maintaining healthy hair if they grow it long, or maybe (like OP) they just don't want to commit to having to keep it long all the time.