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Batman? Instead of helping with his massive wealth he goes around beating people up who do petty theft.
Well there's that (and an answer to that,) but I meant superheroes enforcing the status quo by beating up people who want a change for the better without addressing their complaints. Like Killmonger comes to mind, but Black Panther did listen.
Falcon and Winter Soldier did listen too but did nothing to solve the problem
I wouldn't say nothing. After stopping the Flag Smashers, they went to the GRC and told them not to be so mean to the refugees. But they didn't really address the world borders thing or anything (as far as I remember,) so I guess this counts.
He's reliving trauma over and over. A subconscious attempt at resolution via catharsis. Always failing. He should take shrooms prior to his next patrol. Probably achieve some kind of breakthrough. Get together with scarecrow.