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and if we want to argue the other other way:
Homecoming: tony stark decides to actually help clean up after himself for once instead of making the citizens of new york pay for it (many of whom are homeless after the events of "avengers"). Some union workers start to destroy small businesses and kill people because of that
Far from home: A guy kills people because his invention wasn't respected as much as he would prefer
No way home: spider man destroys his whole life and sacrifices 4 people who he tried to help for the sake of all life in the multiverse
This reminds me of the situation where people thought they were doing good by sending free food and clothes to underserved African populations, but it turns out it was putting their local manufacturers out of business.
Billionaire names the employee's invention "BARF" craps all over it, then uses it for himself
Why was the multiverse in trouble again?
Not sure if it was the multiverse or just one universe, but it was due to large amounts of multiversal travel, caused by spiderman annoying Dr strange while he was casting a spell, which resulted in villains being brought over from other universes.