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If you can, read MiracleMan by Alan Moore. Spoilers to the middle of the comic, MiracleMan destroy all weapons on earth, redistribute all resources and eliminate money from human society, with his powers create technology that fulfill all human needs and recluse himself. The comic stop being about him, and moves to how people live in a new society when an actual God makes your wishes true, and the subsequents decades of prosperity for everyone. The comic was never finished, sadly, but it was implied that things were about to go dark soon.
Alan Moore didn't though it was realistic to have super heroes, like superman, existing in out society while keeping the status quo as it is. Some things fundamental to our capitalist society, like the insurance industry, cannot exists in the Marvel universe where from nowhere half New York can be destroyed.
Check out "friendship is optimal". By "iceman". Overlapping theme, and other stuff. Quality