Linux reaches 5.25% in Germany
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Not surprisingly norway is the highest(i could find). Kinda dissapointing as someone who lives in sweden where its really low. Sadly i see this in everyday life as well. Everyones so tech ignorrant in everyday life and most people just find it strange if you dont use the same stuff as everyone else(tbf the culture is also like that) so everyone uses windows with all the spyware. Im not even kidding most people i know use edge and bing...
As a Norwegian, that got to be our coolest stat, however I have no idea how it can be true. Even in my engineering bubble there aren't that many people using Linux. It's all Windows and macs for home computers.
I dont live in norway so i cant say but the number of github users is also really high in norway if i remember right and most norwegians i know are pretty tech literate so i could believe this stat. But you never know how accurate the measurments are and how well your social group represents the whole country. For example hungary only has 3.4% while if i had to guess i would have said like 8~10% because i knew so many people who just used it because it was faster/worked better/was cheaper.
Aren't in Norway all these foreign cryptominers? Maybe that's the reason for the high score?