Inspection visits to Tesla employees on sick leave - electrive.com
We're trying to reduce the numbers of hours a person has to work.
We talk about the end of paid work being mandatory for survival.
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If someone came unannounced to my home identifying themselves as the Head of Human Resources, checking in on my sick leave... I'd probably sneeze or have a giant coughing fit right in their face.
"If there's anything you need" -- bud, I need to be left alone to recover.
"The doctor told me I needed sleep, and you just woke me up, so... I guess I NEED tomorrow off as well."
I did this once to my store manager. Dude wanted me IN, no matter how much I told him I'd been throwing up all morning. I managed to drive the 15 minutes into work...and promptly threw up all over his shoes when he started trying to yell at me on the sales floor.
Never had anyone doubt that I was sick again at that job.