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Patriarchy didn't teach men that they're disgusting, wtf
That's like the opposite of the patriarchy
This is the shit feminists do that piss me off. Literally anything bad? Patriarchy. Literally anything good? Feminism. Even if it makes no goddamn sense.
Bullshit. That's one tiny aspect of it - men unable to support other men. The vast majority of the problem of men seeing themselves as disgusting is feminsm. "All men are potential rapists" is a disgusting and extremely prevalent ideology. All men are trash, all men are pigs, you see women say these things all the time and it's just accepted.
I'm sure that even if I found literally a thousand examples you'd continue to claim "well that's not REAL feminism".
Cute, you've got this idea in your head of who I am. Could I possibly be a reasonable person with a valid point? No. I must be an Andrew Tate - huffing knuckle-dragging woman-beating mongoloid. That's the only type of person who could ever possibly have an issue with feminism.
Uh huh
The hilarity of you taking issue with others ascribing positions to you based on a cursory interaction when that's all you've done in this entire thread for both posters and feminism as a whole is quite rich.
Wait lol you think this is my first interaction with feminism?
Are you implying that you've meaningfully examined feminist theory vs cursorily argued about it on the Internet? Considering your primary problem seems to be the basic concept of what patriarchy is I kind of doubt it.
Yes, I've read feminist theory, but it's only tangentially relevant to reality. What matters is what the great bulk of non-academic feminists say and do.
I consider the patriarchy to be the social power structure that enforces gender norms. What exactly do you consider the patriarchy to be?
Is there literally anything I could do to convince you to re evaluate your position? Because I bet no, and I really don't have the time or energy to beat my head against a wall right now.
? It's a definition. It's almost the exact definition on Wikipedia.
Ya know, like male gender norms being enforced through a structural functionalist approach and the discrediting of supposedly feminine traits v such as beauty.
If you're operating under a fundamental different definition of patriarchy than what everyone else means when you're talking about it, obviously there won't be agreements.
So, no.
Yes, I'm obviously the obstinate one here with little value for other perspectives right?
It's a question of effort. If it's a pointless conversation, why put in the effort. You aren't coming at it with an open mind.