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"Why care about other countries instead of focusing on our own" is often a manipulative way to say "let's allow xenophobia and sacrifice other nationalities to fuel our own".
And I'm sorry, but the guy in the last picture probably has it much easier than people going through the war in Ukraine.
The USA shouldn’t be funding wars abroad when it’s own people are starving and homeless. This is not xenophobia. That is common sense. The USA shouldn’t be funding wars period, actually.
Ukraine has a right wing government that dissolved all the other parties and which has Nazis platoons. That is fascism. The USA is funding fascism in Ukraine while Russia is trying to denazify it.
There was also a U.S. funded genocide happening in Dombass and Crimea that the Russians stopped. The USA doesn’t help against oppression. The USA exports oppression.
It is partially the land sure, but don't forget where the main natural gas reserves are in Ukraine. It's not a coincidence that Russia has been specifically targeting Donbass for years now.
The entire function of Crimea is to help form a land bridge to grab those resources.
Edit: It's obvious by the removed comments that Russian Nazis are in control of this sub. I have as much proof of that as that Kremlin shill does that we are replying to.
There was literally a genocide of ethnic Russians happening in Donbas and they asked Russians for aid which the right wing government of Ukraine just let it happen
It is a puppet government placed after the CIA backed coup of the democratically elected president. Banning all 11 opposition parties is literally what fascists do.
The Ukrainian units literally have swasticas and say Nazi rethoric and volunteers from other countries constantly complain of the virulent racism they experience.
Nazis are an existential threat to the Russian state as they have demonstrated by allying with NATO and causing a coup to the former elected president. That is why Russia has to denazi Ukraine.
And also, the US and Europe are having to fund the infrastructure repairs in Ukraine as well. You seem to not notice that Russia is specifically targeting civilian infrastructure before winter.
Russia has clearly stated, multiple times, that Ukraine is basically a gateway into Poland. From that perspective, it makes perfect sense to suppress Putin's efforts in Ukraine.
Russia shouldn't be invading countries period, actually.
Lol fuck that. Nobody in a bad spot wants to hear that some underage minority prostitutes in some bigoted religious third world country have it worse. There is always someone who has it worse, in fact this is one of the most common deflections when the marginalized ask for (literal) change.