What does YNWA stand for/mean?
You'll Never Walk Alone. It's liverfool football club's motto. They sing it at every game. People get it tattooed.
You'll Never Work Again
Close, but it's a threat: You'll Never Walk Again. They are kneecapping people up in here.
It's something the Dunmer often say.
It's a typo for YMCA.
"You Newly Woke Ally"?
What does YNWA stand for/mean?
You'll Never Walk Alone. It's liverfool football club's motto. They sing it at every game. People get it tattooed.
You'll Never Work Again
Close, but it's a threat: You'll Never Walk Again. They are kneecapping people up in here.
It's something the Dunmer often say.
It's a typo for YMCA.
"You Newly Woke Ally"?